Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feeling hopeful

On this inauguration day of Barack Obama, I am hopeful. I think a lot of people around the world feel the same way.

I didn't vote for Mr. Obama, but if I had to choose between the two major candidates, he is easily the one I would have chosen. Sure, I am concerned and somewhat fearful that Obama is often compared with Lincoln and FDR, perhaps the two presidents in our history who did the most to restrict our liberties and cause damage to the Constitution. I am concerned that further expansion of the federal government will further bankrupt our country rather than save it. But I am still hopeful.

I am hopeful because, at this point, what we need more than anything is to repair our image throughout the world. Over the past six years or so, we have greatly accelerated our image as the world's bully, the great empire building machine ready to take over the Earth. I think Obama can turn that around and help unify the world, possibly even bringing peace where it has not existed for quite some time. Even if that does not occur, it will be so refreshing to have a president--the first in my lifetime--that the vast majority of the country feels proud to have serve.