Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hypocrisy on parade at the DNC

I couldn't stand to waste my evenings sitting in front of the TV watching the Democratic National Convention. But I have been streaming it on my second monitor while I catch up on a few things with the computer. What a display of hypocrisy and nothingness! Person after person gets up and spews nonsense. How many of them actually believe what they say?

The theme that's bothered me the most is the push for universal healthcare. They start by bashing the Bush administration about fiscal irresponsibility. OK, sure, I certainly can't argue with that. But then the Democratic speakers go on to talk about how they will control spending and then they go on in the next sentences to tout their plans for universal healthcare and free education for everyone.

How the hell do they expect to pay for that?

Why do so few people seem to understand why national healthcare is such a bad idea? Don't they see it will mean more taxes? Don't they realize it will mean waiting longer to get care? Don't they know it will lower the quality of care available to us (getting the government involved always decreases quality and efficiency)? Don't they know it will consolidate federal power even more? Insanity!

I know it's tempting to think how great it would be if we all have free healthcare. But it's never free! You have to steal from everyone (taxation) to get it! And the system ends up being worse when you take out the free market influences and the incentives for people to act responsibility. They expect me to pay for people who refuse to take care of themselves? What gives them the right to expect the government (me) will save them no matter what?

Get over it. We certainly need reforms, but the answer is less government involvement, not more.