Monday, December 17, 2007

The fifteen minute guide to Ron Paul

When people find out about my support for presidential candidate Ron Paul, it usually results in a short debate in which it quickly becomes obvious they don't really know much about Ron Paul or his ideas. Most people just believe what the old media has been telling them, which unfortunately, typically paints Ron Paul as a kooky longshot. So, to help people get up to speed on Dr. Paul, I've gathered a few resources (shown below) that should allow people to quickly decide whether they should give this candidate further consideration.

The Fifteen Minute Guide to Ron Paul

1) The Man:

  • Republican candidate for President
  • Current U.S. Representative in his 10th term
  • Former doctor
  • Age: 72
2) Primary Issues:
  • End the Iraq war
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy
  • Reduce (or eliminate) taxes
  • Reduce the size of the federal government
  • Return to basic Constitutional principles
3) Watch this introductory video.

4) Read Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Bears Empty Pot for Americans and Supporters/Media Await Congressman Ron Paul's Status With Bated Breath.

That's the fifteen minute intro. If you're still intrigued, consider the following additional resources:

1) Read the user comments posted at the articles in item #4 above.
2) Visit the campaign website.
3) View this segment of early debate video in which Ron Paul made us extremely proud by standing firm with the truth.
4) View this segment of Ron Paul on Mad Money with Jim Cramer.
5) Watch these ads: Something Big, JB1, NH #2, NH #3,
6) Watch this video: Ron Paul Exposed